The suffering of animals in the tourism sector is depressingly common. But we can all help shut down such cruel trades

I deeply regret riding an elephant on holiday. This year, we should all make the ethical choice

Namdarnews: It won’t surprise anyone to know that I’m not the sort of person who’d choose to go to tourist attractions that keep animals in captivity for human entertainment. But like many of us, when it comes to interacting with animals while on holiday, there are things I look back on that I would do differently now

Tourist attractions such as dolphin parks and tiger temples exist only for commercial gain at the price of a lifetime of mental and often physical pain for those held captive – something most of us have come to understand and abhor. But there are some experiences that many animal lovers might not realise are harmful. Thousands of tourists visiting Asia, for example, have taken an elephant ride

The Gurdian

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